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VLOG ohne Gentechnik

The „ohne Gentechnik“ seal is awarded on the basis of the EG-Genechnik-Durchführungsgesetz (EGGenTDurchfG) and regulates the labelling of foodstuffs in the production of which the „application of genetic engineering processes“ was waived. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection is the owner of the uniform logo that can be used to identify foodstuffs. The association Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e. V. (Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e. V. VLOG) has been entrusted with the issue of licenses for use.

The system is open to feed manufacturers, logistics companies (feed industry), agricultural enterprises, food processing/manufacturing. Among other things, the following product groups can be checked:

  • Eggs/cheese/milk products
  • Meat/sausages
  • Grain products/cereals/baked goods
  • Potato products
  • Beverages

Our Services

Tentacontrol monitors compliance with the requirements for the „Without Genetic Engineering“ seal of approval in the form of on-site audits.

Tentacontrol GmbH has been a member of the Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e. V. (VLOG) since July 7, 2015 and is certified as a certification body.

Link VLOG Ohne Gentechnik:

Tentacontrol GmbH, Sternstraße 108, D-20357 Hamburg

Eva B. Crass
Tel.: +49 (0)40 / 37 86 71 40
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 37 86 71 99

Tentamus Labor in Ihrer Nähe